Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Doctor Doctor!

So tonight at 5pm is my doctor appointment to get all my shots and medicines for our trip.
I think I am getting 4 needles... Hep A and typhoid that I picked up from the Drug Store (they were just over $100!!! not covered by ohip or our drug plan) and I need a tetanus shot and maybe a Diphtheria shot as well but those last two are covered by ohip thankfully.

I will be getting a whole bunch of meds to take with us, Maleria drugs, anitbicotics etc.... Fun fun.
I am not looking forward to the shots......Ben couldn't raise his arms move that 45 degrees from his body after his...

Also I am getting a general checkup and all the fun stuff that goes along with that... i would rather stick a fork in my eye than spend evening going to the doctor.... Ben is working so he won't be with me.... I am beginning to get anxious... I hate doctors and I hate being poked even more!

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